Pet Medical Center of San Antonio – Importance of Cancer Screenings
We want to keep our pets for as long as possible. As pet owners, some of the steps we can take to keep our pets as healthy as possible include providing pets with a balanced diet and proper exercise. Preventive visits to the veterinarian are particularly important in detecting potential health problems, especially cancer. This can be done through wellness examinations of your pet and understand the various signs and symptoms of different cancers.
Cancers in Pets
Just like cancer in humans, there is not one single factor which causes cancer in pets. While genetics and environmental factors may contribute to the development of the disease, other variables such as toxins, radiation, and hormones that may also be responsible for several types of cancer.
There are various types of cancers that are not as common as other, below is a list of cancers that can be found in pets:
• Skin Cancer – While less prevalent in cats, skin cancer is common among older dogs. A major symptom of this condition is the development of Skin masses, which look pinkish-yellow and hairless and lumps that are raised and wart-like. A very common cancer in older dogs, and less so in cats.
• Breast Cancer – One of the ways to reduce the risk of mammary gland cancer is to spay your female pet before 12 months of age or before their first heat. 50% of the breast tumors in cats are malignant and for dogs, 85%.
• Head & Neck Cancer – An abnormal growth within the mouth, also known as neoplasia, is most common in dogs and less common in cats. Neoplasia can also develop within the nose as well. If your pet has a tumor or mass that causes bleeding, causes swelling or prevent them from eating comfortable, contact your veterinarian.
• Lymphoma – Another type of abnormal growth, lymphoma is characterized by the enlarged size of lymph nodes in your pet’s body and is the most common form of neoplasia in dogs and cats. For cats, be mindful of the contagious feline leukemia virus that can cause lymphoma.
• Testicular Cancer – While rare in felines, testicular cancer is common in dogs. In particular, pets with retained testicles, organs which did not grow in a normal position, are at a higher risk of developing testicular tumors.
• Bone Cancer – Often seen in large breed or older dogs, bone tumors are found in the legs, and near the joints. If your pet is experiencing persistent pain, a limp, or swelling, these are common in the areas affected by bone tumors.
At Pet Medical Center of San Antonio, we emphasize how importance cancer screenings are and how vital they are to the health of our pets. As we often do our own self checks for cancer, and visit our doctors to get a professional opinion, we must do the same for our pets. Understanding the various types of cancers, and where they can be found, is a key step in keeping our pets health and around for as long as possible.
For more information about cancers in pets, and our cancer screening process, contact Pet Medical Center of San Antonio today!
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